
It’s okay to have a roll in the hay while dating for the first time
Have you ever heard of anything like the ‘third date rule’? We bet most of you haven’t heard anything like that, but it’s there and it’s annoying. As per this rule, you’ll have to wait until your third date for having sex. That’s because the people who laid this rule believed that three dates are enough to know someone inside out. But in this post, we’re proving that this rule is stale and boring. Read on.
First things first, it’s not wrong to have sex on the first date. If you want to have sex and the guy, too, is ready, then there’s no harm in it. But if you feel guilty or are apprehensive of having sex on the very first date, then just cast away those apprehensions and guilt once and for all.
Bad sex is never a good surprise
If you think that waiting until three dates to know someone thoroughly can make sex better, then it’s not the case. Good sex is never certain under any circumstances, come what may. The first rule of casual dating in Lincoln is to know the quality of the stuff downstairs; once you’re sure of the quality, then go ahead with the relation and get emotionally connected. If you guys can’t connect physically, then chances are slim that you both will connect emotionally. So do the sex first—and if you think the guy is pathetic in the bed, then bid adieu.
You’re a human
Humans have needs, and sex is one of them—so if you do sex on the very first date, then don’t fret about it. Don’t call it quits and begin to find a fuck buddy in UK. If the sex is good, it’s okay—it’s casual dating, anyway. Don’t be apologetic or nervous about having intercourse on the very first date. You should go with the flow on every date—whether it’s the first one or the last one. And if the flow takes you to the bed, then don’t develop cold feet!
So enjoy sex on the first date if it can be fun experience. Don’t let anything spoil your mood. For the last time we’re stating this—sex is okay to happen on the first date; it’s actually a blessing.